And So It Begins

Hello, I’m Donna and I have accepted a 365 day blog challenge that begins today. I am doing this with some trepidation because I currently have so much going on in my life. I have a full-time job. I am in a creativity group and a writing incubator, both of which are the wonderfully inspired author SARK’s creations. I am using the writing incubator to complete Rapture, which is my speculative fiction novel. I also belong to a wonderful writer’s group called The Sunday Night Writing Group founded and led by the wonderful Maitri Libellule. Oh, and lest I forget, I have an amazing husband, 5 cats and 3 dogs all of whom I love dearly. So see, you really can have it all! Seriously, the reason that I’m doing this is that I hope I can offer some inspiration to others that are also on their own convoluted creative journeys. Mine has consisted of more u-turns and detours than I can count but I am still determined to reach my chosen destination. My big inspirational nugget for today is to just keep going…don’t give up.

“Your intuition knows what to write, so get out of the way.” – Ray Bradbury