Day 150: Healing

I still have my cold but I am getting a tiny bit better every day.  Sometimes you just need to rest and let your body do its thing.  It knows what to do…you just have to slow down and let it.  I’m just making sure that my body is well hydrated and fed so that it has something to work with.  I spend so much time in doctor’s offices that it was inevitable that I would eventually catch a cold.  I’m just glad that it wasn’t the flu.  Even though I had the flu shot last year, I still caught the flu.  And it was really bad.  I didn’t feel all that well Monday but I was still being poisoned by the Methotrexate and hadn’t well in months.  I went to work and as the day went on, I felt worse and worse.  By the time I got home that evening, I felt like I was going to die.  Rick made me take my temperature and it was just a little over 102°.  I passed out shortly after that and slept fitfully off and on all night.  Rick woke me up the next morning and told me that I had a 2:00 appointment with our doctor’s nurse practitioner.  I told him that I’d never make it but he made me go and thank God he did.  They gave me Tamiflu and sent me home because, as we all know, there is no cure for the flu.  That was an absolutely miserable week.  During that time, I had 2 thoughts…either the Tamiflu wasn’t doing anything or I was dying.  I had only been that sick once before and I pray that I am never that sick again.  The problem now is that I’m on immunosuppressants for my RA now so I’m even more vulnerable but I’ve had my flu and pneumonia shots so hopefully they will do their jobs.  Maybe it’s a sign but after days upon days of dreary weather, the sun has finally come out and it is glorious.  Of course, that means tonight it will be even colder…in the low 20’s.  I worry about my ferals and strays that I feed.  I know that I can’t rescue every single animal that needs rescuing but I feel like I’m letting them down.  But, at least they have food and water every day which is more than they would have otherwise.  I’ve tried putting boxes out with towels but they don’t seem to want to stay in them so I just do what I can for them and pray for the best.  I will be glad when it gets warmer.  I won’t worry about them quite as much.  Well, it’s time to fuel up…Rick made homemade cheese and onion enchiladas so I’m going to go heat up a plate of those.  Yum!  Then I might take a nap.  I have absolutely no choice about going to work tomorrow.  I have things that have to be notarized for a city bid.  But that doesn’t mean that I have to stay all day if I don’t feel like it.  I have to take care of myself…that’s my priority.  So, stay warm, take naps, read trashy magazines and stay well.        

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