Day 181: Why?

It’s 9:00pm and I’ve been home for about 45 minutes. Work went crazy today. I had a stack of paperwork to fill out for a couple of municipal bids but I had to put that aside because there was a bit of an emergency at work and, since I’m over operations and safety, it all fell on me to handle it. I had to get plumbers, Atmos Energy (natural gas) emergency people out as well Dallas’s emergency water utilities personnel to come out…all after 3:00pm. And you know what? I got it done. Of course, I was there until after 8:00pm. I haven’t eaten dinner. I’m tired. I already dread my alarms going off tomorrow morning. But I am so happy that tomorrow is Friday! I just can’t catch a break though. There’s either a work emergency or home emergency. Rick is still struggling because of his low blood pressure but we’ve gone over 48 hours with no blood loss. I told him today that I’m going to get a sign like places have that say no accidents in x# of days except it will say no blood lost in x# of days. You have to have a sense of humor about it or it will really get you down. Well, that’s about all I have to say. And I still need to find something to eat. Have a great night!

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